Since 1990 REVI & Partners deals with auditing and management accounting
REVI & Partners was established in 1990 and is one of the first independent Italian auditing company incorporated by a group of chartered accountants only. The original 18 partners, all belonging to the Region of Bolzano- Bozen, shared at the beginning ...
REVI & Partners conducts different audit services always ensuring the compliance with the established procedures, the reliance of the management and the pursue of the goals according to business policy and regulations...
Due Diligence
REVI & Partners has always conduct with success different due diligence engagements. Thanks to an outstanding advisory, our customers have been able to perform M&A procedures and all different special financial operations with the highest safety and the minimization of unnecessary costs and extraordinary losses...
REVI & Partners supports its clients with special services according to their technical needs in the field of administration and audit; all this by establishing a relationship based on full trust...
Since 2009 the company has implemented the ISO-9001 system which regulates the different audit phases step by step. In 2012 the company was rewarded with the first ISO-Certificate from the well-known Certiquality. This management system is constantly updated and subjected to annual audits. This way it encloses all procedures as well as the measurement of customer satisfaction.
REVI & Partners, always aiming to excellence, has all the newest IT-solutions to keep its level of efficiency up while reducing the amount of work involved. More >
Fast response to ordinary and urgent questions
We are able to rapidly adapt to the particular circumstances related to our assignments
Customer care
We help our clients in different areas by offering suitable solutions
Professional education
Our staff is constantly up to date
Availability and courtesy
We interact with our clients with an high level of courtesy and attention
Data referring to the external inspection from 2024 during the so called Customer Satisfaction measurement accordingly to ISO-9001 standard.